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What is Balut ? The Fertilized Duck Egg. Balut is a popular dish in Eastern countries, particularly in China, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Known as balut Vietnam, this delicacy is made from fertilized duck eggs, typically incubated for 17-21 days. Balut: A unique delicacy crafted from 17–21 day incubated duck eggs Stages of Development.
Balut is Filipino street food made by hard-boiling a fertilized and incubated duck egg. This snack has become a very common and popular food throughout Southeast Asia, and custom dictates that the cooked embryo is eaten straight from the shell
Balut is a popular, although unusual Filipino delicacy, served everywhere from street stalls to upscale restaurants. It is a duck egg that has been hard-boiled, fertilized, and incubated. Traditionally, the cooked embryo is consumed straight from the shell
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