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Đọc Sousou no Frieren - Nữ pháp sư Elf - Frieren bất tử và hành trình khiến bản thân cảm thấy thỏa mãn với đời.
In a world where most stories end with a hero’s victory, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End explores what happens after. frieren manga Follow Frieren, an elf mage, and the companions she meets on a reflective journey as she confronts the passage of time, friendship, and loss
Before his death, Heiter manages to foist a young human apprentice called Fern onto Frieren. frieren manga Driven by the elf's passion for collecting a myriad of magic spells, the pair embarks on a seemingly aimless journey, revisiting the places that the heroes of yore had visited
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