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Delve deeper using the menu above to find detailed Pokédex entries, attack stats, evolution chains and our thriving community of awesome Pokéfans who'll answer your questions. pokemon db And much more besides! Niantic have announced a large update to Pokémon GO, bringing the release of Generation 8 along with the Dynamax feature from Pokémon SwordShield.
This is the complete National Pokédex for Generation 9, which lists every one of the 1025 Pokémon discovered so far. pokemon db Click a Pokémon's name to see its detailed Pokédex page, or click a type to see other pokemon of the same type. See also: Pokédex with stats
Use the Advanced Search to explore Pokémon by type, weakness, Ability, and more! Search for a Pokémon by name or using its National Pokédex number. pokemon db Surprise Me! Collect promo cards featuring these first partner Pokémon and earn accessories that highlight Blue and Blastoise
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